Safeguarding the welfare of our pupils is everyone’s responsibility, all of the time. All staff at Repton Prep are trained to have a duty to safeguard pupils and to provide a safe environment. Every Reptonian deserves to be safe, happy and able to flourish, and as such we aim to be proactive in our approach to pupil wellbeing and safeguarding.
Repton’s outstanding pastoral care is at the heart of our approach to safeguarding, a network of monitoring and support ensures that our we prioritise a proactive response helping to avoid issues and where they arise that they are dealt with before they become a significant problem.
Our dedicated team works closely to provide the support network the pupils require to flourish. This includes:
- Dedicated Head of Years/Sections
- Close relations with their Form Tutors
- Attentive pastoral monitoring and support
- An ‘all-eyes-on’ web-based concern reporting system, Wellbeing Manager (iSAMS)
- Hearing the voice of the pupils including the use of Affective Social Tracking and various school councils
- Individualised pastoral plans managed by Deputy Head Pastoral and key staff
- Onsite counselling and healthcare via the Health and Wellbeing Centre and our trained counsellors
- A very well-developed, carefully planned PSHE programme for all year groups

Repton Prep actively promotes safeguarding such that it is embedded in the daily life of the school and gives our staff the confidence to act on any concerns. Pupils are able to turn to a wide range of people with their concerns knowing that they will be listened to and that appropriate support and action will follow. In all cases, we will look to take a child-centred approach and our policies and processes will shape our response.
These policies are designed, implemented and perpetually reviewed by our highly trained and experienced Safeguarding team:
Safeguarding Team
Mr Stuart Elks |
Ms Kellee-Anne Cavill |
Mr Ian Clarkson |
Mrs Alice Chapman |
Mrs Sally Wan |
All pupils whose parents are based abroad must have an English-speaking guardian in the UK who can be responsible for arrangements at the beginning and end of each term (transport to and from school, tickets, passports, visas etc.) and for the care of pupils during Half-Terms, exeats and in emergencies. Ideally, this should be someone local who can take an interest in the pupil’s welfare and life at school and who is prepared to attend parents’ meetings and support school functions such as plays, concerts and sports fixtures. Suitable guardians can be either a direct relative who is resident in the UK and over the age of 25 or a Professional Guardianship Company.
Whilst we cannot recommend any specific guardian or guardianship company, many of our parents consult The Association for Education and Guardians of International Students.

Repton School has a responsibility to create a culture of safe recruitment, which we take very seriously. Our Recruitment and Selection Disclosure Policy and Procedure is set firmly within our practice to inform safe decisions concerning the suitability of a prospective employee.