In partnership with all curriculum departments, the Learning Enhancement team at Repton Prep work to ensure that all children and young people receive a personalised approach to meet their potential and thrive, considering all their strengths and talents and regardless of any learning differences or physical challenges. We aim for there to be no barriers to success. The LE team operate through school from Nursery to Year 8 and have three key areas of focus:
- • Pupils who need additional support or guidance, whether that be short term to manage a particular challenge or those who have a specific learning difference, such as dyslexia.
- International pupils who are learning English as an additional language.
- • Pupils who have been identified as academically More Able or Exceptionally Able.
Our work begins at the time of application, we encourage parents to share as much information as possible about their child. This may be from their current school, including specialist reports or even be anecdotal. The more we know, the more we can personalise the child’s learning journey and ensure Repton is the best fit.
However, we recognise needs may emerge as a child travels through the school. Early identification of which is vital. Our rigorous approach to assessment, screening, observations and weekly professional dialogue with class teachers, form tutors plus senior staff ensures no child is overlooked.
Based on these detailed pupil profiles, we make recommendations on what personalised provision would be beneficial. This may be reasonable adjustments in the classroom, a short course of targeted lessons, or regular specialist timetabled sessions with a member of the Learning Enhancement team; all of which complement the quality of teaching in the classroom - building skills and confidence at all points.
There may be occasions when further assessments or input is required – we have strong partnerships with a highly regarded speech & language therapist, an educational psychologist and can refer to other paediatric services.
At every stage of this process we keep parents in the loop. We have a truly open door policy: pupils, parents and staff know we are available to speak should they need any help whatsoever.
Pupil voice is just as important and although we don’t believe in using ‘labels’, it is appropriate for older children to know that our aim is for us to understand how they learn best and give them the tools and self-confidence to succeed. As they mature, this self-awareness will benefit them greatly.
Beyond thirteen, we work closely with the Head of Personalised Learning at Repton School, providing an enhanced transition and working collaboratively so the move-up is smooth and seamless, whatever the ability.

The Department is led by Mr Alexander Wilde who has many years’ experience working as a Specialist Teacher. As well as individual and small group teaching, his role is to co-ordinate and develop the learning enhancement provision across the whole school.
Pre-Prep and Prep have a number of Learning Enhancement Assistants that are deployed across classes to provide additional support.
In Years 5-8, Learning Enhancement Assistants work across the curriculum supporting in lessons. We adopt a flexible approach to this support and LEAs are deployed depending on timetable and need.
Good communication between the Specialist Teachers and Learning Enhancement Assistants ensures a ‘joined-up’ approach when designing intervention programmes for individual children.